SYST 210

System Design

Kathryn Blackmond Laskey
Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research
George Mason University
Homework Assignment 3
Due September 15, 2020

Reading assignment: Unit 4 notes,,

Homework must be neat and readable.  Your name, the assignment number, and the due date must appear at the top of every page.  Clearly indicate the question you are answering. You do not need to copy the entire question, but you must mark the question number and a brief description at the beginning of your answer for each question. Please upload your assignment to Blackboard by the due date and time.

Part of this homework assignment involves collaboration with members of your team.  You may have online discussions with your group in Blackboard (chat, blog, discussion area) or any other online chat tool such as Skype. I will also provide a short amount of time in class on September 20 for your team to discuss this assignment.   Each student must hand in an individual response to this assignment. Your individual response should reflect the discussions among your team. The answers to Questions 2 and 3 should be the same for all team members. If a team member does not participate in your team's discussions, you should not share your responses with that team member.

  1. You are the leader of a four-person team on a group project that is worth 40% of your grade in a class required for your major.  One of your team members, Hallie, has created problems from the beginning of the semester.  She often arrives late for meetings. When she is at a meeting, she sometimes has phone conversations about personal matters, distracting the rest of the team from getting any work done.  She does the assignments given to her, but they are often late and filled with errors.  The rest of the team spends a lot of time complaining about Hallie. They grumble about Hallie getting a good grade because of their hard work.  Describe how you would address this problem.  Justify your answer.
  2. For each of your team members, including yourself, describe the team member's strongest skills and interests to contribute to the team effort. Write a few sentences for each team member.  (All team members should have the same answer to this question.)
  3. Write a team vision for your team.  (Every team member should hand in the same answer to this question.)  A vision for your team is different from a vision statement for your project.  Please see Section 2 of for a description of a team vision.
  4. In Problem 4 of Assignment 2, you wrote a verbal operational scenario in which a customer uses UChekIt to check out a basket of merchandise with no incidents. Use MagicDraw to make a sequence diagram for your operational scenario. Make sure to put your name in a note on the diagram.  Include your diagram in your solution. You can do this by saving from MagicDraw as an image and importing into your homework document or doing a screen capture and pasting into your homework document.

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