SYST 210

System Design

Kathryn Blackmond Laskey
Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research
George Mason University
Homework Assignment 5
Due September 30, 2020, end of day

Reading assignment: Buede, Chapter 6

In this assignment, you will create a CORE model containing an objectives hierarchy and a partial set of originating requirements for the UChekIt self-checkout system.  Your final submission must be neat and readable.  Every page must include your name, the assignment number, and the due date.   Please upload your assignment to Blackboard by the due date and time.

For this assignment, you are given a source document  containing a partial operational concept and an external systems diagram for UChekIt. An initial CORE database is provided with this assignment to use as a starting point.

Time will be provided in class to start work on this assignment. You may work with others but must hand in your own report.  If you work with others please include their names in your report and there will be no penalty for similarity to those who worked together. 

Part 1: Requirements and Objectives

  1. Develop an objectives hierarchy for UChekIt. Make sure each bottom level objective has a measure with units of measurement. Do not include weights.  We will discuss weights in more detail later in the semester.  Focus on capturing the major objectives of stakeholders. 
  2. Write input, output, functional and external interface requirements relating to the first UChekIt operational scenario, "Customer Checks Out a Basket of Goods."  (See pages 25 and 29-30 of the Unit 5 notes.) Write at least one of each category of requirement. Try to capture the essential requirements to enable this scenario to occur. 
  3. Write system-wide reliability, availability and maintainability requirements for UChekIt. (See page 31-32 of the Unit 5 notes.)
  4. For this part, you should use the database "UChekIt_PartialOpCon.a90," provided with this assignment.  It is a solution to Assignment 4, and also includes a CORE schema extension for objectives. (You may also use your own solution to Assignment 4, but then you need to import the schema extension for objectives. To use the schema extension in any CORE model, download the file CORE_Schema_Extension_Objectives.a90 from the Course Content > MBSE Software > CORE section of Blackboard. You can use this as a starting point for your model, or you can import it into an existing database to add the ability to represent objectives. If importing, make sure to merge into the existing database rather than overwriting.) Enter your objectives as "Objective" elements in CORE.  Decompose them using the "refines" and "refined by" relations.  Give each objective a name and a description and number them hierarchically. Under the "secondary" tab in the property sheet, enter the units of measurement for each objective. (You are not required at this stage to set a target value or weights.)
  5. Save a hierarchy diagram for your objectives as an image.  By default, CORE only displays 3 levels of the diagram. To display more levels, right click the diagram, choose "View / Local Diagram Options" and set the number of levels you want to display.  Use the Table Maker script to make a table containing the number, name, description, "refines" relation, and units for each objective.
  6. Right-click the "requirements" folder in the Project pane of the Project Explorer in CORE.  Click "New Folder" and name your new folder "Mission Requirements."  Make a second folder called "Originating Requirements." Highlight each of the requirements you defined in Assignment 3 in the Elements pane and move it into the "Mission Requirements" folder you just defined.
  7. Enter the requirements you made in Parts 2 and 3 into CORE. Put them into the Originating Requirements sub-folder of the Requirements folder.  Categorize them as originating requirements. Arrange them hierarchically in categories: originating requirements broken down into input, output, functional, external interface, and system-wide requirements, and then the requirements you wrote below this.  Display as a CORE requirements diagram. Save as an image.
  8. For each of the originating requirements you wrote in Parts 2 and 3, decide which of your objectives it helps to achieve, and use the "supports" relation to say that it supports this objective.  Also use "supports" to connect each your new originating requirements to a mission requirement it supports (if any).
  9. Trace your requirements to their source if applicable (i.e., to a statement in the source document.) Use the documents/documented by relation to trace requirements to the source document.  Note that the database you imported contains a document element extracted from the source document for each of the operational scenarios.  You should trace your requirements to the operational scenarios they help to fulfill.
  10. Use the Table Maker script to make a table for all your requirements -- the mission requirements from  Assignment 4 and the originating requirements you defined for this assignment.  Include Number and Name,  Description, "refines," and "supports," and "documented by."
  11. Make a report that includes a brief overview of UChekIt, your objectives hierarchy diagram and table, a brief verbal description of your objectives hierarchy, your requirements table, and your requirements diagram. Make a professional looking report -- with a cover page, a table of contents, and sections for each of the elements of your partial design definition.

Part 2: Resume

Submit a professional resume. Your grade on this part will be a completion grade. You will receive full credit for a professionally prepared resume. Please see the Career Services web site for resources on preparing a resume.

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