SYST 542:  Discussion Moderator and Scribe

Each graduate student is required to moderate or take minutes for at least one class discussion.  The role of the moderator is to lead the class in a productive discussion of the issue raised in the week's question.  We will be collaboratively developing an operational concept for the case study DSS we have selected and laying out key elements of a preliminary design.  The objective each week will be to come to consensus on some aspect of our design.  For example, our objective the first week is to agree upon the stakeholders, the decisions to be supported, how the DSS will be used, and our approach to obtaining requirements.  

Typically, the discussion leader will begin by presenting a brief summary of the main ideas raised in the initial discussion.  If there are disagreements or issues that need clarification, these should be pointed out.  Then the discussion leader will engage the class in debating any issues on which there is disagreement, trying to work toward consensus.  An important role for the moderator is to keep the discussion from wandering off-topic.  The moderator will also try to give everyone (including undergraduates) a chance to speak.  (The moderator, not the instructor, is leading the discussion!)  At the end of the discussion, the moderator will summarize the key points covered during the discussion, summarize what has been agreed upon, and state any remaining areas of disagreement.  

The role of the scribe is to record the main points made during the discussion, to note the key areas of agreement and disagreement, and to post the notes after the discussion in the discussion section of WebCT.  These notes can then be used by students in formulating their final responses to the discussion question.

The moderator and scribe will receive a grade worth one week's discussion.