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Some of my Many Roles:

My Research Program:

My broad research interest is the use of information technology to support better inference and decision making. Within this broad area, I have worked on the application of decision theory to intelligent decision and inference support systems. I have worked on understanding the proper role of normative, behavioral, and computational theories in the modeling and support of decision making. My main areas of interest include: Some recent papers and presentations are available online.

My Role as an Educator:

I teach courses in systems engineering, decision theory, and decision support systems. Education is a lifelong process of bringing out an individual's unique potential. Although the ultimate responsibility and the ultimate reward lie with the student , a teacher can do much to facilitate or to repress a student's joy in learning and willingness to stretch beyond the horizons of his or her current knowledge and worldview. My primary objective in teaching is to spark in students the excitement I feel a bout the subject matter. I aim to give students the basic knowledge and the confidence they need to be able to follow their curiousity where it leads them. Information about courses I teach is available online.

My Educational Background:

I received a BS in Mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh, a Masters in Mathematics from the University of Michigan, and a PhD in Statistics and Public Affairs from Carnegie Mellon University.