Spring, 2023
ENT 276 and online
Monday, 4:30-7:10 PM
- Exams are take home and will be posted on Blackboard.
- Examples (mostly in R) will be posted on Blackboard.
- Homework solutions will be posted on Blackboard.
Professional Societies:International Society for Bayesian AnalysisA Non-Comprehensive Sampling of Statistics Departments with Bayesian Orientation:
American Statistical Association Section on Bayesian Statistical ScienceCarnegie Mellon University Department of Statistics and Data ScienceA Non-Comprehensive List of Free Bayesian Statistical Software:
Duke University Department of Statistical Science
University of Minnesota School of Statistics
University of Washington Department of Statistics
MCMCpack (an R package for Bayesian analysis)Miscellaneous
Bayesian Analysis Using Gibbs Sampling (BUGS)
Just Another Gibbs Sampler (JAGS)
Stan platform for statistical modeling and high-performance statistical computation
Github site with software and data to replicate examples in Peter Hoff text
Companion software to Peter Lee text
UnBBayes open source plugin framework for Probabilistic Graphical Models
Andrew Gelma's Blog
The Bayesian Songbook (includes Frequentist Frenzy by world renowned songwriter Kathryn Laskey)
Bayesians Worldwide (list of self-identified Bayesians maintained by ISBA)